Stud Services
AI & Embryo Transfer
We offer a range of stud livery options for mares to our own and external stallions for artificial insemination and embryo transfer working with the experienced team of stud vets at Cinderhill Equine vets who offer competitive packages for mares resident here. We also have our own qualified AI technician on site. We can provide stabled livery, individual turnout and grass livery.
We offer a foaling service with an experienced dedicated team, spacious purpose built foaling boxes with cctv and post and rail nursery paddocks. Mares have their colostrum tested with a refractometer for quality post foaling as standard and we have a supply of frozen colostrum on site if required. We also have the 24/7 backup of the team of stud vets at Cinderhill Equine if required. Mares are welcome to stay after foaling to go back in foal, our stocks area is designed to make scanning and inseminating a mare with a foal at foot as stress free and safe as possible.